#ISBF9 #Brewday3 : On The Dubbel - Travelling Up whilst Looking Down - With Steam Machine

“….actions speak louder than words….”

Look Down Look Down” - Martin Stephenson & The Daintees

For me & mine, The Daintees were one of the finest bands of the ‘80s. And “Boat To Bolivia” one of its finest albums - particular fond memories of seeing them Live on the Gladsome Humour & Blue tour, when - due her diminutive stature - “The Boss” couldn’t see the band, so I spent most of the gig with her “piggybacked” on me!

Anyway, big thanks to Martin for allowing us to use the song title…..True Northeast Legend.

Heading North to Newcastle is always a joy. Even in the rain. With very little sleep. On the 06:38 Trans Pennine Express.

Shattered. But still more than worth it. Because I was off to make beer.

But more about that in a moment.

It was an early start. A 6:38 train to……? Which, for little old Jimbo, meant a bus at just after 5:20 am (Yes. There IS more than one 5:20 in a day).

But, as I was to discover, this was going to be worth it. A day full of surprises for me.

Let's say, I learned some stuff.

Catching the 06:38 Trans Pennine Express from Victoria was a new one on me. Bloody early to be heading East for start.

Also, a Trans Pennine Express train that was on time! (They reverted to type later. BELIEVE.)

Arriving in Newcastle to be met by one of my beer heroines, Daisy, we were soon heading South of the city, on a drive that seemed to go on forever. I really hadn't bargained on how far South of the city we were headed!

But where were we brewing….

Questions were asked. Answers were proffered. But none were the wiser.

So. Where did we end up?

Greeted by Nick, we were ushered past the beautifully created pub, into the heart of the brewery. Mashing in been done prior to arrival (😭), a swift look at the malt bill screamed colour - a substantial percentage of Dark Munich, we were going for full bodied and for a bright dark red kind of hue.

The usual beautiful smells of brewing were all there, like the smell of fresh baked bread, a brewday is all about all the senses.

Quite a swift Brewday this, with lots of talking and tasting and I - for one - wasn't complaining!

And with that, Nick introduced me to their beers and we got to talking about what makes Steam Machine, well, Steam Machine!

And what came across, clearly, was that word “Community”.

The beers are beautiful. We sampled a Birch Smoked Grodziskie, a Citra dry hopped version of the same (wow!), a Belgian Blonde, a Tripel, a beautiful malty Marzen, a glorious WC IPA, a stunning chocolatey Imperial Stout. The range of clean & sharp, Funky, Smoky, Unctuous.

Beers brewed especially for their own tap.

Very little - if any - Steam Machine beer leaves the brewery. European in style, served within a US model - the brewery tap as the main outlet.

Serving these wonderful beers from tank, just at the brewery, I'm envious.

And that Community thing? The team at Steam Machine have taken this a stage further.

With The Fellowship of Beer

A community of beer lovers. More than a subscription, the guys at Steam Machine involve the members of the Fellowship in many things around beer production.

Once every two months this community receives a case of very special beers.

In addition…. The brewery involve the Fellowship in various decisions around beer design, planning, blending, adaptations.

I've been around beer a while, but I've never come across anything like this. I've had a rough week or two, but talking about this absolutely warmed my old cold heart.

Hops being added in the boil, I enjoyed one of my favourite Brewday things. The dig out. With Daisy doing more than her fair share, we were quickly done, with the farmer collecting the spent grains in double quick time.

What we made today was the base for the beer were going to enjoy at Hemsley House.

And - oh my - we will enjoy it…..It simply screams ISBF. I think it may well be the first beer of this style that we've had (although - ISBF scholars - I am perfectly prepared to sit corrected)

So. Complex malt bill, mashed. Boil completed and transferred. Into fermentation with yeast especially selected to develop lovely “Belgiany” (patented) flavours……..

Two more things to add Post-fermentation…..

Cacao & Sour Cherries….

We discussed names for the beer. And - you know me - music matters.

Feelers were put out to one of my musical heroes. A fabulous songwriter and raconteur who recorded one of my all-time favourite albums. (Yeah, yeah, yeah….you told us earlier! Ed…)

I nearly yelped when he agreed to let us use one of his song titles as the beer name….. Honestly. I did. Ask Daisy!

So. With a HUGE thank you to Nick all at Steam Machine for having us, to my beer heroine Daisy fur making this happen….

In November, at Hemsley House, you can enjoy what's going to be a rather special beer.

A Dark Chocolate & Sour Cherry Dubbel.

Look Down Look Down

(With huge fanboy gratitude to Martin Stephenson!)

(News Update - I'm going to see Martin on Sunday at The Band on the Wall. Might get to thank him personally!)

Huge thanks to Nick, Phil & all at Steam Machine for humouring an old beer nerd and for allowing us to come and help make this beatiful beer. What they are doing is quite the thing and I (Jim) will be subscribing shortly!

And where will you get to try this beer first? (Obviously a trick question….)

Got your tickets yet? Get a flipping shake on! Available here…..

Back on Friday with news of yet ANOTHER collab brewday! (And it’s just 5 WEEKS TOMORROW to the opening session!!!)

Be kind to one another.

Jim x


#ISBF9 #Brewday4 : It Started With a Walk


"Aromatically Yours" - #ISBF9 : Brewday No. 2 with Torrside