"Aromatically Yours" - #ISBF9 : Brewday No. 2 with Torrside

“… And everybody's coming from their winter vacation
Taking in the sun in a exaltation to you.
You come running in on platform shoes
With Marshall stacks to at least just give us a clue….. “

Teenage Riot” - Sonic Youth

“Daydream Nation” by Sonic Youth is arguably THE canonical album of American Alternative Rock. Released in 1988, the same year as The Pixies’ “Surfer Rosa” and regularly featuring in Top 100 of All Time lists, it was undoubtedly an influence on much of what followed in Indie Rock.

I was listening to it a couple of nights ago, when I was gripped by something that rarely happens these days. Genuine excitement.

I messaged Chris Clough —knowing what we were about to brew - and blurted “I've got the beer name!”

But I digress…..

Beer Dictionary Definition - Torrside (adj) : Niche, Playful, Twisted, Ever So Slightly Odd.

Had this brilliantly bonkers beer last night. It were proper Torrside

Those who have been to a Torrside Tap, or to Smokefest, know. What you get is a fabulous atmosphere, friendly, relaxed, with great beer and even better hosts.

It's always struck me as being a place, events, that focus, yes, on the niche side of beer, but also on people. And that's - to me - a very ISBF thing. It's like we're related. 😂

3 days ago, I caught a train headed into “the hills”. To an event that takes the word “Niche” into the furthest left of fields. And then goes even further.

That event was Smokefest.

Known for their playful tendencies and their insatiable appetite for Rauch Malt and Partigyles, but exceptional across a whole range of styles, Torrside never seem to get the flowers that their skills & beers deserve.

But they do from the #ISBFFamily. Because, not only do they make quite exceptional beer, they're also lovely humans.

Because, put the Smoke & Monsters to one side. And appreciate Yellow Peak (a simply GORGEOUS Session Pale), I’m Spartacus, (a magnificent IPA), Candlewick (a Luscious Stout) and many more “normal” beers.

For me - and several of my Friends - they are in the God Tier of UK Breweries. Because they NAIL pretty much every style they brew. And I really don’t say that lightly. I don’t blow “smoke”….

I would have first bumped into Chris, Nick & Peter on the Manchester beer scene (which - at the time - was pretty much Port Street Beer House) with the memory that is most fixed being a famous - in this mind at least - Home Brew competition at Brew Dog in Manchester.

All 3 exhibited beers individually, all 3 were excellent. The competition felt fierce and - at one point, as we were judging - it felt like the Brewers were closing in like lions on prey.

The standard was incredible.

From that competition came Matt Dutton (now head brewer at Track), Richard Conway (Thirst Class) and the 3 friends who came together to found Torrside.

For ISBF8, we came to New Mills. And brewed a Red. X2.

This year - early on - Chris voiced an idea. Typically, ever so slightly, bonkers.

Typically Torrside. And we loved it.

A Saison. With a “twist”. In a manner of speaking.

In addition, this - in typical New Mills fashion - would be a partigyle.

Here be monsters……

Excited on arrival, Sarah and myself got to mashing in a mostly very pale malt bill, simple, clean and so easy to mash, we soon settled in - with the mighty Bevis having now arrived - to talking hops and aromatics……

Of course, this was to be a partigyle, so, once mashed in - and before the sparge (hot rinsing the remaining sugars from the malt) - we ran off the first 200 litres or so of sugar laden wort into the smaller “copper” (which - like all breweries - isn't made of copper at all….) in order to make something a little more “Monstrous”….

Back to the main beer. 2 hop varieties weighed out (one variety for each beer) it was on to those aromatics…. A lot of lemon zest was required, so Bevis & I were set to the task of zesting a large number of juicy lemons. Being ultra careful not to take the pith…..

Gotta say, the aroma from that lemon zest was really something rather special…

That task done - and sparging/run off of the main beer going on - time for some hops for the “smaller” beer.

Nelson Sauvin. Lord of Southern Hemisphere hops. A rather large amount too…. and multiple additions.

As the hops hit the wort, the fragrance was almost overwhelming. Just the most beautiful fruity aromas.

Bevis was keen to get up the steps to chuck a good blast of Tettnang into the main copper for the larger batch brew. Which was joined, shortly after, by the Juniper berries, Lemon Zest & hand-ground coriander seeds…..

Guessed yet….. ?

With beers transferred to the fermenting vessels, it was time to pitch yeast, buy some beautiful takeaway beers and - unfortunately - bust lungs racing for the train home!

So. What utter delights have we got for you. If you haven't guessed yet….

Spirit Desire - A Gin & Tonic Saison at somewhere slightly below 5% abv for the Keg bar. And….

Experimental Jet Set - an Ultra Pale Nelson Sauvin Barleywine at somewhere around 9% abv for the cask bar. (Both names MORE than a nod to Sonic Youth)

Those who know me, know that I rarely use words lightly in such contexts, but BY THE GODS I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY THESE!!!

And where, WHERE, do you think you'll get to try these beers first eh? EH?

If you STILL haven't got your tickets for our bijou event, you'd better get a shake on. 3 Sessions of the 5 have already SOLD OUT….

Tickets here…….

Massive thanks to Chris, Sarah and Barney for a hugely entertaining, fun and educational brew day. For me personally, I couldn't have wished for better hosts at the start of this #ISBF9 #CollabSeason

Back soon - next train journey is on Monday. But to where? And brewing with who?

Be kind to one another.

Jim x


#ISBF9 #Brewday3 : On The Dubbel - Travelling Up whilst Looking Down - With Steam Machine


Choice? Who needs Choice?