#ISBFHeroes12 - Hitting The Trail…..
The ISBFHeroes events are - to me (Jim) - special. Not just “Any Brewer” gets asked. These are breweries that make not just exceptional beer, but have made a significant impact on either the event, or on me personally. #ISBFHeroes12 hits both marks. But is also intensely personal.
My alter ego coined the #BeerPeopleAreGoodPeople. And whilst not a universal truth, there are few people that embody that feeling more than this months “Hero”
The Independent Salford Beer Festival was initially conceived as a cask beer event. Featuring beers exclusively from the North of England. The area that I STILL fervently believe makes the best cask conditioned beer in the UK.
Generally speaking, that locale still applied. For cask.
In year 3, we expanded to another room at - the then venue/cause - St Sebastian's Community Centre. That meant we could expand the beer offer. And enabled the introduction of the #EvilKegFilth room. Featuring beers from outside of the North.
And one of the first brewers approached was Andy Parker. The trademarked “Nicest Man In Brewing”.
Generous of time, advice and - indeed - beer. Andy has never been told QUITE how much he impacted me, mine and this event.
He's about to learn.
Back in October 2017, myself and the legend that is Chris Dixon (@ckdsaddlers on Twitter) found ourselves down in Finchampstead. Andy had - typically generous - agreed to us coming down and making a beer. Something dark. And delicious.
That beer was - with a distinct musical nod - called Love Action. A beautiful fruited stout.
Andy - knowing the nature of the event - guaranteed exclusivity, by bringing his 70 litre home brew kit into the brewery. I was utterly blown away at the thought. In a small way, on a tiny kit, I helped to make a beautiful beer with two of the loveliest humans.
Pic - Chris D
Pic - Chris D
Now ISBF 3 - to me and mine - is a blur. A series - for me - of cancellations, horrible brief conversations with several brewers and brewday volunteers (I remember those all too vividly). Those memories that remain, stay locked.
But ISBF 4, in 2017 - the final event at St Sebastian's - was cathartic. At the “after party” on the Sunday, we drank, we had fun. Danced like crazed fools. To “Love Action”. I cried like a bastard. I danced like an idiot. (There's video out there somewhere!) That was the moment that I cracked. Let the grief out. And realised that I could move on. With lovely people and dear friends.
And that's all down to the Divine Mr P. And Chris.
I can never, ever, thank them enough. Andy Parker is a personal hero of mine. I'll leave that there.
Gradually, what was known to a few of us, has become correctly received wisdom. Not only is Andy such a fine human, he's also one of the very best brewers in the UK.
Now with Rickey also brewing and Ruth helping to run the ship, Elusive are set for 8bit beer domination. Expansion is in the planning, there isn't the capacity to brew all that he needs to. With good friends like Double Barrelled, he's hitting his targets prior to expansion. Elusive will grow. And rightly so.
I can't wait to follow this journey.
So yes. Belated Cats from bags. #ISBFHeroes12 features Elusive Brewing.
And a magnificent beer list. Matched by an equally magnificent playlist! (You'll get THAT on the week of the event)
Andy is - as stated - an absolutely lovely human. He has put together a simply EXCEPTIONAL case of beer, for a bargain price - DELIVERED - of £50. (And that price includes £5 per case for our partner charity START Inspiring Minds.
So. For this Princely sum, what are you getting?
Access to a Virtual MTB with “The Nicest Man In Brewing ™️". On 17th June. Starting at 19:30.
Access to a simply IMMENSE playlist, themed around music beloved of the brewery team and additionally themed around all things Elusive.
And this bunch of beauties listed below.
This case of beer has seriously limited availability. To grab one, click here.
Come and join us. Have a giggle. Drink great beer. And do good while you're at it. #DrinkGoodToDoGood is just the way we roll.
Back soon.
Be kind to one another.
Jim x
2 x Overdrive APA 5.5%
2 x Happy Land Cherry Wheat 4.8%
2 x Mister X 1916 Heritage Mild (Partizan Collab) 5%
2 x Turn Out The Light NEPA 5%
2 x Spend Your Wishes Red IPA (Burning Sky Collab) 6.5%
1 x Oregon Trail West Coast IPA 5.8%,
1 x Duel of Iron Double Black IPA 8%