We Do It Different...... #ISBF9 Brewday 7 : Lakes Brew Co

The papers write about it back in England
It's practically a lifestyle in Berlin
There's probably some pockets in Ohio
Almost always something happening in Ohio…..

We do it different on the West Coast…

We Do It Different On The West Coast” - The Mountain Goats

I first met Matt Clarke back in around 2012 at a MTB event at Port Street. (I found the post!!!) The evening was fabulous - anyone who went to MTB events at PSBH would agree.

At that time Voldemort Brewery (The Brewery that shall not be named) made some fabulous beers. There was a human back story to the brewery. There was a playfulness with flavours, a lightness of touch - and no little ability.

Craft Beer (I still detest that term) was relatively new to me, and Matt and his colleagues who drove away in their impressive pick-up truck were bloody talented, decent people.

Some things change. Some things remain the same….

The launch of Lakes Brew Co was celebrated. Good people, doing great things.

I have to say, Chris knew the guys (I didn't really) and when he says people are good, I trust him implicitly.

We went to Lakes before each of the last two Jockfests, had a beer at the Tap, talked with Steve, Matt, Michelle (again, more Chris than me), we chatted about ISBF, asked Steve about a beer….

I was thrilled when he agreed.

We chatted more over the months, post #ISBF8 and popped back in - pre-Jockfest - in January and chatted more.

They “got” what we try to do. And why we do it. Agreed to supply another special beer.

But over the months, I thought I’d aim higher and asked……

“What time do you mash in Matt?” says I….

Which explains being at Bolton Station before 6am….

Can't say I wasn't excited…

We'd chatted beer ideas, recipes etc over the previous weeks, so were quite excited come Brewday.

Hops were to feature…

Meeting Bob at the train station was fortunate for me, because I hadn't a clue where I was going!

One of life's good guys, Bob guided me safely to the brewery and we all got chatting.

Loki (Matt & Michelle's canine owner) sat by my coat. Amused, I wondered why? Then remembered there was a squuezy ball dog toy in my pocket.

And BOY did that pooch like to play ball!

Whilst we were busy chatting, brewer Alex was busy getting his mash on. From a flavour diversity viewpoint (writing as someone responsible for the overall beer line up), there was something that was simultaneously exciting and reassuring about a pale looking grain bill giving up its lovely sugars.

Matt (head brewer) was particularly excited about the hops for this brew, some new varieties coming from his homeland (NZ - since you're asking).

We did some aroma testing and they were bloody punchy and potent. We (Bob & I) could completely get Matt's enthusiasm.

I think that this is an appropriate time to mention that I (Jim) was experiencing something extremely nerdy.

A kit crush.

This bright and shiny SSV kit was just so gorgeous. Not just bright and shiny, but so logical, considered, detailed. Designed for consistency. A thing all good brewers strive for.

Consistency of approach, method, is so important.

Lakes nail that.

Adding the hops is just such an aromatic privilege. Something - it's fair to say - Bob enjoyed.

Just so fresh and fruity. It's a smell you just don't forget.

I'm in love with that beautiful Westie hue…….

This day took me back. And got me to thinking about something that strikes me about this event (ISBF).

Good people gravitate towards each other. Like attracts like.

Talking to Alex, Matt, Michelle, Steve, they're just lovely humans. And they also happen to make exceptionally good beer.


And the thing is, that humanity matters more to us, more than the beer - daft as that may sound.

Lakes just fit. And it gave me (Jim) such a bloody lift when Steve & Matt said they were absolutely up for today (I'm getting emotional just writing that)

The day seemed to fly by. (Almost as fast as Loki chasing his ball!) That's what happens when you enjoy yourself, making beautiful beer with lovely humans such as Bob, Alex, Matt, Michelle & Steve.

Pleasure isn't quite the word I'm looking for, this felt more than that. I'm struggling to not sound like a fanboy. Sorry. (I'm really not!)

But. We - from a brewing perspective - were done.

So what did we make for you……?

A beautiful NZ hopped West Coast IPA. Breaking Algorithms. At around 6.5% abv. Can't wait….

Huge thanks to the team at Lakes. Bloody stars. And - as I may have said - more importantly, lovely humans - for having us up. An absolute blast.

And where will you………

Silly question.

But we weren't quite finished….

We went to the pub. But not just any pub.

I've followed “The New Union” on socials for years. Envious of those who drank there.

And promised myself - one day I'll get there.

And what a lovely pub it is.

Exceptional selection beer in Cask (immaculately kept), keg, can & bottle. A Landlord (Phil) passionate about his craft, a lovely warm feel (as important as all the other things combined).

May have had a beer or two. A laugh or three.

I’ll be back.

Huge thanks again to the team at Lakes for a lovely day (special thanks to Michelle for some lovely photos!), for Phil at The New Union for topping the day with a laugh or 3 (not to mention the Bottle of Coniston Number 9! 🤤)

And massive hugs to Bob, for being my guide - both tour & spirit - and for all his help during a great day.

I've a feeling I'll be back to Kendal. Soon.

Speaking of which, back soon with more collab brewday stuff - including the “Day of The Three Brewdays”

Grab tickets here - only 9 left for Thursday Evening (and not many due Saturday either!)

Be kind to one another.

Jim x


#ISBF9 Brewday 8 : Return To The Shed of Dreams


#ISBF9 Brewday 6 - First Beer Crush