#ISBF9 - Grassroots & Simple

“And we'll never be royals (royals)
It don't run in our blood
That kind of lux just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz….”

Royals” - Lorde

Keeping it simple. It’s a personal motto. It’s also ingrained within ISBF. Keeping it simple.

It’s what we do.

ISBF is “Grassroots”. It has been built from nothing - back in 2014 - and has evolved, slowly, gradually, whilst in many ways staying the same. Staying true to its roots.

Its roots? People. Not Beer. People matter so much more.

Back in 2014, I saw the work being done at St. Sebastians, local people helping local people to cope, to just get by. And, seeing that first hand, that stuff mattered.

Beer is almost an incidental thing. It has always been about the people.

“I met X - for the first time - back in Y at ISBF……”. If I had a £10 note for each time I heard that, we could make a tidy donation without a single key keg coupler being connected. It is the greatest of compliments. As is the fact that people have travelled - each year - from as far away as Aberdeen, Brighton, Somerset, Suffolk, especially for this little event.

This event has “evolved”, it moved to a larger venue, but it still feels (deliberately) small, intimate. That’s how we like it, the #ISBFFamily. That’s our lane. And we’re comfortable in it.

No flash. No “lux” (Thanks Ella). No hype.

Yes. ISBF is grassroots. Everybody gives of themselves for free. From the beautiful designs of Mr Heggs (formerly Mr Art by Volume), to the people who pour your beers, tidy up, play the tunes. The people who create the “feels”. That make the event what it is.

This event is literally Grassroots. It has been built from the ground up. It’s who we are.

Small. Local. Friendly. Intimate.

Speaking of “Small. Local.”…..

I - Jim - have deliberately kept Sponsorship of stuff limited to the smaller, the local. Resisted sponsorship offers from larger organisations, kept it “on the low”. Because it feels right.

This year, I offered up Beer and Cider sponsorship to last year’s sponsors first, given that those lovely humans helped us so much last year. And they responded. Heart-warmingly so.

To the extent that we only have about 5 Beers/Ciders left to sponsor. If you are interested click here and complete the form. I’ll get back to you from tomorrow morning.

In the 10 years of ISBF, the glassware has been sponsored each and every year. Except Year 1. Because I had no idea how to ask!

Heaton Hops

The Brink


Northern Type

House of Hops

Petersgate Tap

Nook & Cranny

Tom’s Tap & Brewhouse

Old School Taphouse

Each time one of those lovely bars or taprooms has come forward to sponsor our glasses it has made me giddy. It also makes me smile a little, when I go into these bars and have a beer from one of these lovely glasses. Knowing the impact that that sponsorship had. I enjoy each beer that little bit more…It also gives us a huge sense of pride to think that people in each of those brilliant bars may be drinking from these glasses, with both our logos on, from down the years.

If you are a bar or Taproom and fancy getting involved through sponsoring our glassware (with your lovely logo on!) please get in touch (at sponsorship@salfordbeerfest.com - you’ll end up with quite a lot of glasses!)

We’ve also got room for a sponsor for either Posters or the lovely Programme (yes, we still do one, we like them….)

Speaking of programmes, if you fancy an ad in them, get in touch. Full pages aren’t expensive.

All of that said, invites went out to some breweries earlier. If you’ve been to ISBF, you’ll have an idea what to expect. I’m already salivating!

Collaboration brews are already being organised, I can’t wait to start teasing about those!

The beer list will be fabulous. It will feature a diversity of styles, from some of the finest Hop & Malt wranglers this country (and beyond) have to offer. Again, If you’ve been, you know this. I’m not one for lying or making false promises.

That said, more info coming soon. Including details of that time honoured ISBF tradition - an in person ticket launch party! Maybe….

Back soon. I’m off to listen to another Lorde album…..And head for a few beers (with friends) in Manchester.

Be kind to one another.



A Good Tradition - #ISBF9 Style


Nobody Said It Was Easy