#ISBF8 Brewday #3 - Runaway x Thirst Class
For me - Jim - an awful lot of relationships with people in the local beer industry started at one place. Port Street Beer House.
It's certainly - in my memory - where I met one of my local beer heroes, Mark Welsby. Who, at that time, was in the planning stages of starting up a brewery. One with a place at the heart of what ISBF would become.
Runaway Brewery.
I've always most admired breweries that built around a core range. Slowly. Methodically. Nailing that range, before expanding out and experimenting.
Pale. IPA. American Brown. All nailed. Then some spreading of wings, with, Saisons, Sours, big Stouts. All exceptional. Mastery of process, playful with flavour.
Where was the first place to have Runaway on cask? (Yup. ISBF)
Which brewery's beer is the biggest selling at any ISBF? (Yup. Runaway. Lemon Drizzle IPA. We sold 60L - and I still get asked about that beer! As does Mark…..)
Yes. ISBF without Runaway just wouldn't work.
In those early days of Craft in Manchester, there was - still is - a thriving Amateur Brewing scene. Standing out, was Richard Conway. Richard won a contest (I think linked to Stockport Beer Festival) to commercially brew a recipe.
That beer - brewed initially with Jay Krause at Quantum (now of Cloudwater) - was the magnificent Elephant Hawk IPA.
Richard went Pro. Taking over the premises and kit at the former Ringway Brewery in North Reddish. Quickly developing a reputation for his excellent beers.
From his first year, Thirst Class have always had a beer at ISBF.
They stepped up - during the hard times of the Pandemic - using their Webshop to help other breweries by opening their platform to sell other's beers.
Exceptional brewer. Good people.
Unfortunately, earlier this year, Richard had to make the hard decision to leave the industry. A sad day for us, but the right decision.
Both Mark & Richard have been huge supporters of what we - the #ISBFFamily - try to do and it would have felt incredibly sad not having Thirst Class in the line up. Therefore I cheered inwardly when Mark suggested teaming up with Richard for this brew.
We were also thrilled that one of the #ISBFFamily (Paul Delaney - talented amateur brewer) wanted to get his mash on.
The following words are his.
Take it away Paul!
The chance to help brew a beer for one of the best breweries in Manchester for one of the best beer festivals was an honour.
Having been a long served Independent Salford Beer festival goer and being given the opportunity to contribute towards a great beer festival, I was honoured.
Enough of the melancholy, brewing with Runaway and Thirst Class was a dream.
The day started with intros and a black coffee. The day was actually a calm and pleasant brew day, not like when I do my own beers in my shed.
Grains already weighed out, HLT warming, we mashed in, a heavy grain bill made for heavy work but, as already mentioned, a calm one.
Decidedly NOT a Black Coffee (Ed)
Once mashed in, good conversation was had with Rich and Ollie, beer nerdery was had. For a home brewer, I was in my element. Learning all the time.
Beer being brewed is a Black IPA with Sorachi Ace (“The Devil Hop” coined by Jim - “When in Pales” Ed….:-)), dry hopped with Sabro will give a coconut tinge to a very dark beer.
Overall a great day and a great beer to sup at Helmsley House
Sabro & Sorachi going in!
Huge thanks Paul!
And massive gratitude to Richard, it was lovely to see you! And as for Mark, Oli & the rest of Team Runaway, we can’t thank you enough. And to you, dear reader, if you are anywhere CLOSE to Stockport, Runaway is a short stroll from Stockport Train Station and is simply Greater Manchester’s best brewtap. UNMISSABLE!
So. Back to this beer. If you want to try this delicious slice of darkness FIRST, click this link, grab your tickets for #ISBF8 while you still can. Drinking grat beer to raise money for a fabulous charity? It’s just what we do!
Click here for tickets!