ISBF - The Code

(A copy & paste of a previous post - back from September '22)

I (Jim) am a simple soul. All my beer friends would agree - but they would lend weight to some of those words!

The event was founded upon certain simple principles around beer events. Comfort. Choice. Relaxation. All of the things that I love about a beer event.

Yes. I founded a beer event based on what I like. Bite me.

Simplicity, I have found throughout the years, leads to reduced stress. As someone who has had his MH struggles over the years, this matters. It's one of the reasons why we support a local Mental Health charity. This also matters. Hugely so.

Over 8 years, this event has - by accident or otherwise - become somewhere where people meet like minded people. Sometimes for the first time. And kept those relationships going. Sometimes, they meet up annually. At a little self-effacing beer event.

And that brings a warm glow.

Yes. The beer list can be a little “out there”. And I'm proud of that beer list. Proud that breweries pull out stops. Just for this little event. But that is not the point.

The lovely thing about this “thing” of ours (“Cosa Nostra” if you will) is the feel. The atmosphere. That's the main thing for me. Yes, the beers are great and everything, but it's the feeling that keeps people coming back.

Takes me back to Year 5. The first at Hemsley House. When Stan Jackson (who manages the building) popped in during the Saturday lunch session. The busiest. And looked into the main room. The look on his face was a picture. A smile like a Cheshire Cat. In that moment, he “got” ISBF. What it is. That feeling.

I was chatting on SM with a lovely person who asked me if the event had a Code of Conduct. My head went into a spin. Something else to do. Another lego brick to place. And then something hit me. The event already has one.

“Don't Be A Dick”

Simplicity again.

It's about treating people with respect. Simple innit?

In its essence, it reflects my fundamental intolerance of intolerance.

So. Keeping things simple. If you come to Hemsley House, play nice. We welcome all. By all means, have fun. We're not Joy Sponges. But again…

“Don't Be A Dick”

Because if you are, you're not welcome.

Jim x


#ISBF9 - It’s A People Thing