A Little Update
Hello there! It's been a while…
To those who came, I hope you enjoyed #ISBF7. We had some truly heartwarming feedback that got me all emotional and stuff. I really don't handle that kind of thing well at all.
But the #ISBFFamily appreciated it. Makes all the effort that all those lovely humans put in all the more worthwhile. They do it, because they get “it”. The “it” being why we do this. And had done for the previous 27 events (incl #VISBF 1 & 2 and the #ISBFHeroes events).
That “it” being that ALL profits go to a good cause. In this case START Inspiring Minds.
Personally, I found #ISBF7 a bit of a struggle, it ended up being far too “on top” and stress - inevitably - became an issue. It's a bit much for me, this event. Consequently, I completely switched off and took a while away to gather myself to see if I could do this again.
And decided that I can't.
Not alone.
What this event has given ME are friends. People who I've grown to not only love, but respect hugely. And trust.
I struggle with trust.
So. Over the last few months, we talked, mostly typical beery nonsense. But in there, was a lot of empathy. A desire to move forward, but only if I wanted to. And could. And that was appreciated.
I'm grateful to Chris, Steve, Jock, James, Tim, Shaun and so many others for the support over the last few months.
So. Where are we going with this.
Young Mr Heggs Hits It Out Of The Park - Again
I have only the vaguest idea as to what this will look like. But with a number of the #ISBFFamily offering to step up and take a substantial part of the weight of the organisation of this event on board, it looks, feels doable.
Yes. Back at Hemsley House.
Yes. With some of the best new beers that the best breweries in this land can brew.
Yes. With the entire #ISBFFamily. The best and friendliest volunteers you'll find anywhere. They - and you - The people who come to Salford year after year, since 2014, you make this event what it is.
There’ll be further posts soon. Sponsorship (ALL the beers were sponsored last year!). Collab plans etc. All in good time.
Just - for now - note that date.
Let's get together and have some fun.
Back soon.
Be kind to one another.
Jim x