#VISBF2 : Thursday - The Virtual East West Fest (Now ft The Beer List!)
ISBF is - for me at least - about a feeling. Be it (feeling) Good, Relaxed, Welcome, it is where it is - and people keep returning - not just for the beer, but because of that most nebulous and indescribable of things.
With that in mind, the decision to host an event themed along the lines of an event held in a Labour Club, in Wakefield (in literally, a Red Shed) seemed like the right thing to do. It “felt” right. Something that I’ll need to explain further. Obviously….:-)
The first ISBF - as the few that were there may remember - was a Cask only event, featuring beers solely from the West and East of the Pennines. This reflected my strongly held belief that best Cask Conditioned beers were made up North. The posters had an emblem linking to The Wars of The Roses, with the House of Lancaster (naturally) in the ascendancy. It was a bit of fun. We had fun. And - with no preconceived idea as to how much we’d raise - managed to put over £5k back into the coffers of St Sebastian’s Community Centre, both location - and reason for the genesis - of the event.
In early 2015, Malcolm Bastow (Five Towns Brewery) contacted me and - flatteringly - asked if he could use the “War of The Roses” theme to run another Charity Beer Event. Who was I to say “No”? I’m no John of Gaunt or Richard Neville after all.
I helped to source the beers from the West side of “the hill”. Myself, Jaz & Dec went that first year and had an absolute Whale… I mean….to approach that little Red Shed and hear the words “The Mancs are ‘ere….”, immediately, I felt at home.
I cannot conceive of a small cask event that has such a ridiculous beer line up. From Torrside Monsters to DIPAs & TIPAs. But, as utterly bonkers as the beer list is, it’s always been a place where - for me & mine - the most sublime memories have been made. Things that we still tease each other about (OK, I get teased a LOT), but it is the one event in the year where I can just switch off. I don’t need to “represent”. I just drink beer, laugh, tell tales, see friends from each side of the Hill. Hell, we’ve even persuaded Gas to come from Glastonbury. And he (like the rest of us) is now hooked.
Exhibit A
This Spring, I really wanted to go back to Wakefield, to The Red Shed, back to an East West Fest. But COVID had other ideas. But, a couple of Months ago, I reversed the compliment. And asked Malcolm “Would you mind if…..?” Bringing this full circle.
So. I want to bring a little of the Spirit of The Red Shed into the Ether. A little bit of Bonkers beer, alongside the simply special. And - I can safely say that - knowing what I currently know - that that particular mission has been accomplished.
Well, those who know ISBF - especially those who know the East West - would expect nothing different!
Now, as I said in my last post, I’ll never know the entire beer list until MUCH nearer the event. But I do know some. And - whilst there is always scope for change - the Spirit of East West is strong on this session.
So, with all of those GOODIES, what are you waiting for? There are 8 tickets left. So, shake those tail feathers and get clicking here…..
See you on 11th November!
Be kind to one another. Back soon. Jx