Thinking Ahead - ISBF in 2021
That light at the end of the tunnel? For once, it's not an oncoming train…
Like everyone else, I miss people. Miss the physicality of seeing flesh, not pixels. Like many, if I could jump in my own, personal, DeLorean and shoot forward in time to mid - April, oh but I would.
I've already booked my first brewtap tables. My first pub tables. Thinking ahead never felt more joyous.
The last few months have been “fun” - with the #ISBFHeroes events being quite well received - and kind of took my mind off what I would ordinarily have done by this time of the year.
Which is planning for - what is now - the main event. The physical ISBF.
By now, I would ordinarily have sent initial invites to breweries, indeed, I would normally have a fairly fixed idea of the line up, of Collabs, of the more “blue sky” stuff.
But not this year. And - to be honest - it only came to the fore of my thinking on Friday evening. When I started with the first thought. Can we? At Hemsley House?
Courtesy @markthegasman and Redwillow Brewery
My mind started whirring with all of the things that would need to be achieved before such an event could take place.
Don't get me wrong, ISBF isn't slick. It flies by the seat of the pants. A mirage of competence that is equal parts luck and goodwill. But still, there are fundamentals that would need to be in place.
It didn't take long to conclude that - in the current (and likely future) climate, that an indoor event would be problematic.
ISBF is (in the words of the lovely Jan Rogers) “Niche”. It's also run on a shoestring “budget”. It exists to raise money for a good cause. It isn't a business running beer events with budgets to match.
It's run by me. With the help of friends. And lovely volunteers.
And if I planned the event in November, made commitments, spent money, to only have to cancel the event and refund, those debts fall on me. And I can't do that. I can't afford it.
So. That said, where does it leave us?
All hail Peanut. The Zoombombing Pomeranian!
Well. The immediate future? That's next Friday. And #ISBFHeroes3 with the mighty Marble Brewery
Then #ISBFHeroes4 in April. And - for certain - #ISBFHeroes5 in May.
But - for “The Main Event” - it means Virtual ISBF 2. #VISBF2.
If the interest is there for such a thing.
If it is, we have a formula to build on, to play with, twist and turn with.
There'll be changes. Might even do a 4th session on the Sunday (if my liver can take it).
But, the fundamentals will be the same. A case of 12 mixed beers. From some of the best small breweries in the UK. A beery zoom event each evening. And an additional Cider & Perry event on one of the evenings with some of the best artisan apple and pear juices you can get.
There'll be pretty Merch. Quite what, is something I'm open to.
There will be some ace playlists to listen to, designed exclusively for each evening.
All “profits” will be for our partner Charity (START). Again, this isn't a business. This is a labour of love for many of us.
We'll need sponsors. For pretty Glassware, Beers, Ciders. Even a Programme. (Feel free to get in touch)
It isn't flash. It isn't fancy. But we kind of love it.
We'd love to have you involved.
Drinking great Beer. Doing good. It's what we do.
11/11/2021 - 14/11/2021. (With “launch party” on Friday 27/08/2021)
Come join us.
Until then, stay safe. And be kind to one another.
Jim x