Champions, Friends & Life's Pleasant Surprises. An #ISBF6 Brewday. And So Much More.
I (Jim) had an idea. Pair two of my favourite beer people, one of whom being the unofficial (for now) “Nicest Man in Beer”©. The killer reason though, being that these two humans brewed (separately), all of the beers that won the vote for “Beer of the Festival” at each ISBF.
Those who've been will know that I'm talking of Malcolm Bastow (of Five Towns) and Andy Parker (of Elusive Brewing)
This imperative was why myself, Chris (#OverlordKegFilth) and Malcolm found ourselves in one of the UKs finest pubs on Friday evening. Waiting for Andy.
The Nags Head. Reading. A simply glorious pub.
So. The brewday. I had a brainwave - something that occurs infrequently.
A love/hate thing.
Brew something that Andy loves. A Black IPA. He is, after all, the originator of the hashtag #BIPAComeBack.
But also to brew something that would take Malcolm out of his comfort zone. A Table Beer.
See where this is going?
Andy chucked an idea in. “Double Barreled Tap Room will be open…..”
Who am I…..
Now. I'm not a religious man. But, upon entering the Double Barreled Taproom, I started to think that there may indeed be a God. And it brought me here.
And I thanked that deity. Profusely.
Yes. The beer is ace. The beer we had #ISBF5 from DB was one of my highlights. They make fabulous beer. I wouldn't invite them to supply #ISBF6 if that wasn't the case.
But this is about the Taproom. The best one I've been to. Why?
It's about the details. The thought. The planning. This place was obviously considered as an integral part of the setting up of the brewery. And it shows.
Space. Seating. Comfort. Great music.
A ******* dartboard!
Everything felt……… considered. Planned. To be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed. I've not been anywhere like it.
And I told Luci. I think she thought I was “blowing smoke”. And that's something I never have, nor will ever do(ne).
It's exceptional. And we'll be back. Like Arnold.
We ended up back at The Nags Head. Oh dear…..
Back to the matter at hand…. Making beer. With the masters.
Black. Hoppy. Low abv. My boxes ticked. Andy is currently “busy as a chippy”, so I was massively flattered that he fitted us in.
Centennial - my catnip. And a sack of Simcoe so aromatic that I yearned for Smellovision.
Black as the pits of Hell. Smelling magnificent (With a mountain of those hops going in at “flameout”) this is a thing of #EvilKegFilth beauty. Because that's where this is going.
That Simcohhhhhhh tho…….
This beer. This beer sings to my soul. A Table BIPA. Not too sure about Malcolm though….
It's going to be an absolute belter. Ludicrously tasty. And a magnificent counterbalance to some of the……… rather big (abv) beers that are coming.
“Charlie Big Potatoes” is coming to #ISBF6. Are you?
I can't thank Andy enough. He's a lovely fella. An incredibly talented brewer. And that title (see above) is earned. Malcolm? Well. He's a friend. He's won Beer of the Festival FOUR times. He knows my thoughts. #OverlordKegFilth Chris? I haven't got the words…… He knows..
Next year, Reading might feature prominently for #ISBF7. You read it here first.
Back very soon.
Be kind to one another.
Jim x